Evolve, the premium all-inclusive fete that raises the standard of feting in Central Trinidad took place at Presentation College, Chaguanas compound on Saturday night. Inclement weather could not deter the large scores of patrons who came out to socialize, fete and enjoy themselves at this event. Upon entry, the aroma of food filled the atmosphere where the all inclusive food and drink sections were strategically situated making the start of the evening a progressive one. Patrons had an expansive array of food to choose, from pasta, to whole roasted pigs to gourmet dessert, wine, cocktails and traditional beverages. The entertainment segment was jam packed as College Boy Jessie kicked off things, followed by Voice. Omardath Maharaj created a frenzy in the crowd with Ramsingh Sharma following on his heels the budget man Ravi B. Patrice Roberts wooed everyone with popular hits and KES added the icing on the cake, closing of the event on a high note.

Date – 21-01-17
Venue – Presentation Chaguanas
Photo – Jael Dirpaul & Arnold Persad
